ACen was the most fun I've had at a con in ages! I was really surprised since I was mostly running around by myself. I was worried that I would end up getting bored! In the end, I met so many amazing people and hung out with my good friends and had such a successful and interactive weekend overall. <3 <3
Get ready for a picture heavy post~
Before I left the house!! I ended up walking a full mile in this coord. Not fun under 80 degree weather.
Indie lolita fashion show~
I modeled this gorgeous classic style dress for Adrian, who was so sweet and amazing.
I spent the rest of the day hanging out with friends~ I stopped by the Yugioh panel, but it was lacking and lost my interest. I hurriedly wandered over to the loli swap meet and sold a couple things. I met a lot of really sweet lolis from the community!! One of the things I will really miss about Chicago is the huge loli group. :'(
I based this coord off a Rei Ayanami goth loli figure from 2008.
(too obscure to be recognized though, heheh)
I was about to shop and meet up with people when I miraculously ran into one of my gyaru idols, Lisha!!!
She was so sweet! Her gyaru is always on point!!!! I was very impressed and so happy to meet her in real life. It was a wonderful surprise!
You can read her ACen recap here~
After only a few hours in my loli coord, I started to feel a bit sick. :( So I changed into something a bit more comfortable, which just ended up being Swagg Rei.
Diamond encrusted snapback completes the look.
I caved and I bought the OTK Eternal Rose Bouquet socks from the Angelic Pretty and Harajuku Hearts booth.
I chilled with my buddy KGD until 2 in the morning! @o@ We spent a lot of time just drawing and chatting. She is really sweet!
I wore gyaru, but I didn't really get a good picture of my face. ;/
The day started off with me running into tumblr fandom acquaintance Suukarin. She was super fun and I had to stop to draw her something. <3 It was amazing to just randomly run into so many people that I knew!! One of my favorite things about cons is meeting up with people. :')
I also got to talk and take a photo with Frances, blogger from howagirlfigures and the english rep for GoodSmile Company! I've been a fan for almost three years now, and I was finally able to meet her. She's living her dream, which is truly motivating. :)
My swag bag
After winning rock-paper-scissors for a giant poster at the GoodSmile booth, I had to head home. I was so tired and still feeling a little sick from my fever the week prior.
Featured: The giant GoodSmile poster, four YGO One Coin figures, YGO manga and pink card protectors, Bakushipping doujin, AP socks still packed, offbrand socks, bloomers, and the Baka and Test OVA DVD + free poster.
Got home and rolled in all the goodies I bought from the weekend, then took a loooong nap.
In the end, I really wish I had taken more pictures. I can think of at least 50 more things I should have documented... ;( But I am happy to have 100% of the memories as well!! Sometimes I just get to talking and having so much fun that I forget to photograph. x)
Thanks to everyone for contributing to my super-fun, super-expensive weekend!! ;o; I hope we can do it again soon! xx